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DuBOIS, Pa. – Continuing and Community Education at Penn State DuBois 是否准备在今年秋天开设几门课程,让该地区众多制造业企业的员工直接受益. The offerings include:

  • Entry level CNC (computer numerical control) lathe training
  • Die setter training
  • OSHA 10-hour class for general industry
  • Steam treatment process of powder metal parts

Each of the courses will be offered independently, 有兴趣的学生有机会注册一门课程或多门课程.

Entry level CNC lathe training

与该地区几家领先的制造公司合作, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校为想要学习计算机数控车床操作和编程技能的求职者和现有员工开发了一门72小时的课程. 这门课程不仅有来自该地区的工程讲师, 而且还利用众多经验丰富的数控操作员,让学生获得知识和技能,成为数控车床操作员. Both high-level classroom learning, as well as hands on training are part of this course, with all cases taking place on campus.

Dates for this training will take place from Aug. 21 through Oct. 随着开始日期的临近,确切的日期和时间正在确定. The registration fee for this training is $3,250 per student. 班级规模有限,以允许更多的学生和教师之间的互动.

要了解有关CNC车床培训的更多细节,请访问课程 website.

Die setter training

365英国上市杜波依斯分校还与该地区几家领先的制造公司合作开发了74.为现有员工和求职者提供5小时的课程,他们拥有成为有价值的模具师所需的才能和技能. Utilizing both classroom learning and hands-on training, 本课程将于八月底开始,为期三个月. 学生将获得知识和技能,以处理几种类型的新闻设置, including straight-wall, flange, 球形和多动作设置,如双顶双底过程.

Parts of this training will take place at Penn State DuBois, 而其他部分将利用St. 玛丽地区高中和社区教育委员会在圣. Marys.

Dates for this training will take place from Aug. 28 through Nov. 随着开始日期的临近,确切的日期和时间将被确定. The registration fee for this training is $5,000 per student. 班级规模有限,以允许更多的学生和教师之间的互动.

想要招收员工参加数控车床培训或模具师培训的公司可以通过365英国上市杜波依斯分校的继续和社区教育联系 email or phone at 814-375-4836. 没有公司赞助的求职者被鼓励联系当地的CareerLink办公室,讨论可能的经济援助项目,以帮助支付这两种培训的费用.

要了解更多关于模具师培训计划,请访问课程 website.

OSHA 10-hour class for general industry


Working together with the North Central Pennsylvania (NCPA) LaunchBox, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校将提供这一培训项目,旨在为入门级一般工业工人提供有关其权利的信息, employer responsibilities and how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards on a job site. 培训内容包括工人可能遇到的各种一般工业安全和健康危害. 学生将在课程结束后收到OSHA 10卡.

This two-day course will take place on Sept. 18 and Sept. 19, running from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on both days. The cost for this course is $295 per student.

要了解更多关于一般工业的OSHA课程,请访问该课程 website.

Steam treatment process of powder metal parts

365英国上市DuBois和NCPA LaunchBox将再次合作开设粉末金属零件的蒸汽处理工艺课程. 这个为期一天的课程旨在更好地了解粉末冶金中使用的蒸汽处理工艺,以帮助提高表面硬度和密封表面孔隙率. 本课程非常适合在烧结过程中工作的员工和有兴趣了解粉末金属生产的员工, handling and packaging processes.

The class will take place on Sept. 27 beginning at 9 a.m. in the DEF building on campus. 本课程将使用金属粉末工业联合会(MPIF)标准35进行教学. The class fee is $225 per student. 注册了四名或四名以上员工的公司可以享受折扣.

希望注册OSHA一般工业课程或蒸汽处理工艺课程的个人或组织, 联系365英国上市杜波依斯分校的继续和社区教育 email or phone at 814-375-4836.

Continuing and Community Education at Penn State DuBois is a bridge between Penn State resources and our partners, including business and industry, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and state and federal agencies. Our programs cover manufacturing and quality, engineering, human and health services, food service, computer and electronics, construction, professional and business services and more.